Stakeholder Identification
In purusing sustainable development, PharmaEngine deeply understands the importance of stakeholder relations and the continuance of our social commitments. We hope to have a transparent and effective communication channel with our stakeholders. We have identified major stakeholder themes using the following six-step procedure:
Major Themes and Boundaries
Major Theme SDGs Management Policy Border Line
Internal External
Innovative R&D SDG8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
  1. Continue to develop competitive and diverse unmet needs drugs
  2. Ensure product quality, safety and compliance
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Shareholders
  2. Investors
  3. In-license or out-license partners
  4. Customers
  5. Suppliers and CROs
Cyber Security SDG9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  1. Set up secure information security equipment and management processes
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Shareholders
  2. Investors
  3. Customers
  4. Suppliers and CROs
Corporate Governance SDG16
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
  1. Incorporate ESG in operation policies
  2. Strengthen the auditing mechanism and strictly prohibit misconduct that endangers the Company
  3. Strengthen internal communication and operation model
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Shareholders
  2. Investors
  3. Customers
  4. Suppliers and CROs
  5. Government agencies
  6. Media
Industry Cooperation SDG17
Partnerships for the Goals
  1. Drive suppliers or other cooperative units to actively conduct ESG actions
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Suppliers and CROs
Environment Protection SDG7
Affordable and Clean Energy
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
  1. Reduce the waste of energy resources and introduce effective energy and resource improvement equipment or policies
  2. Introduce circular economy to reduce waste
  3. Strengthen the initiatives on climate and environmental issues, and enhance awareness of colleagues and cooperative units
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Customers
  2. Suppliers and CROs
  3. Communities
  4. Government agencies
Social Engagement SDG3
Good Health and Well-Being
  1. Enhance care for social and human rights issues, and continuously track follow up results
  2. Care for patients and medical institutions, and construct friendly social services
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Customers
  2. Communities
  3. Charity groups
Employee Training SDG4
Quality Education
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities
  1. Focus on employee career growth and plan a clear functional development blueprint
  2. Protect human rights and create a good working environment
  1. PharmEngine
  2. Employees
  1. Customers
  2. Government agencies
Stakeholder Communication
PharmaEngine's stakeholders include shareholders (investors), employees, in-license or out-license partners, customers, suppliers & CRO, charity groups, communities, government agencies and media. We aim to maintain good relations with stakeholders when promoting various internal and external matters. As the environment continues to evolve and regulations continue to change, we categorize and assign departments to draft action plans for these major topics to increase the flexibility in communicating with stakeholders through cross-department cooperation. To fulfill the expectations of the stakeholders, we communicate via various channels to ensure the action plans have been properly executed and the communication channels to be free from disruptions. The management team also regularly assess the feedback from stakeholders as a reference for future action plans.


Key Issue

Communication Channel and Frequency

2023 Engagement

Shareholders and Investors

  • Operating and financial status
  • Business performance
  • Corporate governance
  • Risk management
  • Shareholders’ meeting/once every year
  • Investors’ conference/once every quarter
  • MOPS/every time
  • Regular announcement of financial statements (annual report)/every quarter (year)
  •  Stock agency/ every time
  • Information disclosed online/every time
  • Answer investors’ questions by phone or email/every time
  • Held institutional investors’ conferences and roadshows 4 times
  • Held shareholders’ meeting 1 time and board meetings 4 times


  • Welfare policy
  • Labor relations
  • Labor rights
  • Training
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Labor conferences/once a quarter
  • Internal website/permanent
  • Welfare Committee/permanent
  • Employee feedback line and mailbox/every time
  • Regular fire safety propaganda provided by the building management committee/every time
  • Annual health checkup/once every two years
  • Held labor-management meetings 4 times
  • Discussed date and location of Family Day and the annual company trip, and promoted “Employee Leave and Travel Subsidy Program”
  • Promoted “Employee Health Check Care Program”
  • More than 100 pieces of information about employee benefits, environmental protection, and health information were announced through the internal portal and trainings.

In-license or Out-license Partners

  • Operating and financial status
  • Business performance
  • Risk management
  • Legal compliance
  • E-mail/every time
  • Visits, meetings, and teleconferences/once a quarter
  • Held group  meetings regularly


  • Product quality and safety
  • Service quality
  • Marketing communications
  • Customer rights, interests, and data privacy
  • Telephone or e-mail/every time
  • Unscheduled patient meetings/every event
  • Regular participation in medical associations/every time
  • Academic seminars/every time
  • Product information disclosed online/permanent
  • 5 pancreatic cancer patient meetings
  • Product introduction in medical centers and hospitals
  • 2023 World Pancreatic Cancer Day activities

Drug Development Partners (Product Storage and Logistics Vendors)

  • Sustainable procurement
  • Communication policy
  • Unscheduled visits and audits/twice every year
  • Telephone or e-mail/every time
  • Visits and audits 2 times
  • Audited by e-mail


  • Product quality and safety
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Communication policy
  • Unscheduled visits and audits/once a year
  • Telephone or e-mail/every time
  • Communicate with vendor via procurement staff/every time
  • 3 GxP supplier capability assessments before cooperation
  • Audited by e-mail
  • Online meeting
  • Online audit

Community and Charity Groups

  • Charities and fundraising
  • Community care
  • Environmental management
  • Legal compliance
  • Contact the charities by the event organizer/every time
  • Contact by welfare committee members/every time
  • Industry-academic cooperation
  • Visually impaired massages
  • Continued to support “Do One Thing for Tamsui River” by promoting the history of Dadaocheng and water conservation
  • Held training for GHG inventory
  • Held events for ESG
  • Held sessions with students in 3 universities to share industry experience

Government Agencies

  • Legal compliance
  • Labor relations
  • Participation in public policy
  • Competent authority meetings and participate in related seminars/every time
  • Contacted the Industrial Development Administration by phone and e-mail
  • Contacted DOIT by phone and e-mail


  • Business performance
  • Operating and financial status
  • Legal compliance
  • Press release/every time
  • Spokesperson system/permanent
  • Information disclosed online/every time
  • Public relations Department/permanent
  • Material information and press releases were issued 28 times
Responses and Responsibilities to Stakeholders
To achieve sustainability, we constantly communicate with stakeholders to understand their needs and use that information as reference of the company policy and business development. We listen to the opinion feedback of the stakeholders as a follow-up to improve the subject during the policy and plan implementation process.

We presented and communicated our "Communication with Stakeholders Report" during the Board of Directors meeting on October 31, 2023. The report covered the purpose of communicating with stakeholders, the major topics of borders, major issues concerning stakeholders, identification of and communication with stakeholders, exchanges with stakeholders, and reflections upon and improvements of communication with stakeholders, etc.
Improvements on Stakeholders' Communication
The Company evaluates annual improvement plans based on company resources and benchmark companies. In 2023, the Company mainly focused improvements on performance evaluations of the Board, Audit Committee, and Remuneration Committee, the independence, competency, and the fee justification of accountants. The Company also regularly report the major topics inquired by the investors and the frequency of communication with stakeholders in the Board meetings.
Stakeholder Contact Information
Stakeholder Contact Person Telephone E-mail
Shareholders and Investors/Media/Government Agencies Company Spokesperson
ChiHsing Chang, Vice President
(02) 2515-8228
Employees/Communities and Charity Groups President & CEO Office, Human Resources
Melody Lin, Director
(02) 2515-8228
Partnering Corporate Development, Business Development
Roger Hsieh, Associate Director
(02) 2515-8228
Drug Development Partners Research and Development, Medicinal Chemistry & CMC
Mel Liu, Ph.D., Associate Director
(02) 2515-8228
Suppliers/Product Storage and Logistics Vendors President & CEO Office, Quality Assurance
Ken Chou, Manager
(02) 2515-8228
Customers Marketing & Sales, Sales & Product Development
April Chiu, Associate Director
(02) 2515-8228
Whistleblower Hotline Independent Directors/Audit Office (02) 2515-8228